
About Us

Assalamu Alaikum, welcome to Blog Academy.

Blog Academy is an online blogging platform run by iNeedMarketer Platform. Here you will find various types of technology-related articles (Tech-Related Blog) that will help you to increase your knowledge in technology, Inshallah.

We always try to ensure that each of our articles relies on accurate information and is easily understood by the reader. Our slogan, “Let’s know the right one”, implies that in today’s world of information technology, we often have to get up to speed to find the right information. Many of us usually share, like, or post something that teaches us wrong or gives wrong information that is harmful to us, without checking for many wrong things.

So our blog academy strives that the information we share with others will be accurate and verified selected information, which will be good for us.
Among the topics we are focusing on, there will be various discussions on information technology.

  1. Online career guidelines
  2. Freelancing & Outsourcing.
  3. Various writings related to technology.
  4. Metal Detectors and detecting technology.
  5. There will also be health-related, and inspirational writing that will come in handy anytime in your real life.

5. Another special aspect is that you will find various post tutorials on technology that you can easily learn any one subject,
– Web design
– Web development
– Digital Marketing
– Graphics design
– Mobile application
– Video editing
You can use it to increase your skills.

If you have any comments, questions, or queries about our Blog Academy

Please email: blogacademy.tech@gmail.com

We will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks